
Coconut chicken($CCC) is the first MEME on the TRON (TRX) network The story of the coconut chicken originates from a media report about Justin Sun. According to Sun's ex-girlfriend, when a group of people dined on coconut chicken, at the precise moment it was cooked, Sun would swiftly transfer most of the chicken into his own bowl, leaving little chance for others to have a taste. "Later on, those who dined with him found that this was how he conducted business." Later, Sun initiated a poll on platform X, inquiring whether a meme token named Coconut Chicken (CCC) should be deployed on the TRON network. The coconut chicken story reflects Sun's generosity and sense of humor, making him truly one of the most outstanding personalities in the blockchain industry.

椰子鸡是TRX网络的第一MEME。 椰子鸡的故事来自于一篇媒体对孙宇晨的报道。 孙哥前女友回忆,一群人吃椰子鸡,孙宇晨会在熟的第一秒,把大半只鸡一次性捞到自己碗里,不给自己吃不着的机会。“后来和他一起吃饭的人,发现他做生意也是这样”。 孙哥后面在X上发起发起投票,是否应当在波场部署Meme代币椰子鸡(coconut chicken:CCC)。 椰子鸡的故事体现了孙哥的大度与幽默,他不愧是区块链内最杰出的人士。

Token allocation

Token allocation 30% To Justin Sun(给孙哥)

6.9% List Exchange(上交易所)

63.1% Liquidity 加池子